Sunday 11 February 2024

The three Doctors, Weird, Strange and Doom!

Week Ending 16th February 1974

Just a quickie from last week, I asked where the "Spidey hangs loose!" pin-up was from, ever reliable Rod Tough points out it was by Steve Ditko and was blown up from panel 1 of page 4 from "The Molten Man Regrets" story first seen in Amazing Spider-Man #35 April 1966. Rod had also answered where the Amazing Spider-man pin-up page image as seen in SMCW #51 had originally come from, it had been the cover of Amazing Spider-Man #48, May 1967 by John Romita Sr. Rod adds "It's been reversed by the unknown copier, who omitted the "web pits" and added webbing from the hand." Brilliant spotting from Rod.


The Mighty World of Marvel #72

Specially created artwork have always featured on the covers of British weeklies, but now the Hulk, as the lead story of MWOM, had been split in half the original cover could only be used for one of those weeks so another special piece had to be commissioned at least every other week. Now I know that you and many other British Marvelites are thinking that an original cover for Daredevil or the Fantastic Four could have been used instead, but remember British Marvel had always promoted the Hulk as the star in MWOM and with only a few occasions that would remain. Any way those DD and FF original covers were frequently used as the splash pages for the second halves of the relative comic strip. New covers meant we got some cracking covers by some great artists. Although Ron Wilson is a good artist and in some cases very good, this cover wasn't one of his greatest. It's eye catching but also a little misleading as the event shown doesn't exactly occur as it is pictured. I don't want to slag it off, but compared to last week's cover this one isn't great. Can anyone defend these Defenders? Mike Esposito is the inker.

The Incredible Hulk "Disaster in the depths!"

Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Herb Trimpe
Inker: Herb Trimpe

Originally published in The Incredible Hulk #118
Cover date August 1969
(Published in May 1969)

Last week's story builds up nicely to a promised "clash of titans", hard hitting action with just a splash of improbable science that might keep young minds thinking. Like how on earth do the Sub-Mariner and the Hulk talk to each other as they fight under the sea? And as Namor creates a whirl-pool by swimming around and round at super-high speed he says that "with each passing second, the very air is drawn from your lungs, until at last you breathe no longer!" How does he breathe anyway? Alright Lady Dorma gave him a special tablet but does it convert the water in his lungs to air or does the tablet create oxygen that is held in his lungs by some kind of Atlantean science? Or does it not matter as long as we get a massive battle with these heavyweights? 

It's not all action between Subby and old green skins, there battle leads to disaster for Mistress Fara, who was at one point about to increase the chances of Namor and herself becoming a item, by wiping out her competition in the Atlantean love department, until the Hulk smashes Namor into a wall that collapses onto her, crushing her to death. Namor I revealed that Fara's body took the deadly impact and protected Lady Dorma. I guess that makes it obvious which Atlantean lady the Prince liked the most. 

Namor then realises that the battle has caused destruction in his kingdom and seeks an end to the conflict by making his peace with the green skinned giant. But seeing the Hulk leaping towards him for another attack Namor sees it's too late to speak of peace and swims at speed to hit him head on before more damage can be levelled on the under-sea city. Is this the point where we find out just who is the strongest between the two? The force sends Namor deep into countless fathoms of the sea and the Hulk upwards out of the ocean and into the sky. The aftershock causes the foundations of Atlantis to rock, while the impact sends shockwaves creating a giant tidal wave that threatens the coastline of an entire continent.   

We end with a dose of déjà vu as Namor discovers the body of a man not a monster on the beach where the green giant fell. Six and a half months ago pretty much the same scene played out in MWOM #43, I'm surprised that he doesn't recognise Banner from last time. Did Stan forget he wrote the same ending or did he hope the readers would forget? Either way we still don't get the definitive answer to the question "who is stronger the Hulk or the Sub-Mariner?" Or do we get the answer to a slightly different worded question, that in water Namor is king!" "Imperius Rex!"

Daredevil "Fight for life!"

Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Wally Wood
Inker: Wally Wood

Originally published in Daredevil #8
Cover date June 1965
(Published in April 1965)
The cover of Daredevil #8 is used as the opening splash page, fitting in perfectly with last week's cliff hanger. Only a fictitious newspaper with the headline "Daredevil Vs Stilt-man" was removed from Wally Wood's original artwork. The added text box states plainly that Carl Kaxton is Stilt-man just to make sure that British readers don't see the plot twist coming. As you can imagine DD doesn't fall to his death, after some athletic twists and turns he grabs the Stilt-man's leg, only to have that pulled up away from him, giving him an early bath in the Hudson River.

Matt Murdock later finds Wilbur Day asleep at his office, another red herring, the pair set off to visit the home of Karl Kaxton. Where they find a pair of hydraulic legs out side his house and an angry Kaxton with a loaded gun. Day over powers Kaxton and then turns on the blind Murdock believing he can't see his attack. Murdock senses the blow coming and rolls with it, faking unconsciousness to give him time to change into Daredevil. Day, who makes no time in showing his true identity, only saw that one coming by a country mile, is really after a Kaxton invented "molecular condenser gun", a weapon he believes will make him invincible. Daredevil crashing in but Day escapes and frantically fits on his hydraulically powered trousers to help speed his escape. DD hops onto a train that runs conveniently near the long striated Stilt-man, hooking the "molecular condenser gun" from his hands with the billy club cable Daredevil accidentally fires the ray at the Stilt-man causing the tall villain to shrink until he disappears from sight. The final panels are a little weird, possibly used just to fill the page with some sort of ending. Karen Page tell's Matt that a Doctor called Van Eyck (is that a play on Van Eye Sick?) could restore his sight but Matt refuses as it might be risky, while secretly believing that it might also remove his other super-senses in the process. I can't imagine why it would, Karen calls him a coward, which is a bit harsh.

The Mighty Marvel Mailbag 

Jonathan Dathen from Bucks wants the X-Men in their own comic with the Silver Surfer as back up, all the mags to have glossy covers and full colour and the Hulk to be removed from MWOM to be replaced by Daredevil. Well Jonathan does get his wishes but not all. Jimmy Myint from London writes to explain how much of a British Marvel fan he is, but goes on to ask for two American issues of Captain America and poster of of Spider-man, Iron Man or the Fantastic Four. A little bit cheeky that, but if you don't ask you won't get and he doesn't get any of them. Donald Robson from Stoke on Trent who wants to complain about people writing nasty things about the Hulk. Gordon Thomson from Glasgow asks why can't the X-Men have a weekly mag like the Avengers? 

Stephen Lisle from Portland who regularly gets MWOM and SMCW, has nothing but praise for all the stories, although he is a little bored with Loki in the Thor tales. Micheal Steele from Chester who wants to see some classic pre-Marvel stories from 1935 onwards. Paul Piacentini from Glasgow who has some issues with the way Alicia Masters manages to model a clay statue of the Thing but later Ben Grimm worries if she ever got her sight back she might not love him. That has always been an issue for me, why can't Ben get it through his thick skull that she loves him for who he is not what he looks like. Andrew Ruston from Dudley would give the Hulk his own mag with the X-Men as back-up and have the Silver Surfer replace him in MWOM. An unsigned letter writer thinks that the Hulk is a "pea-brained, knuckle-headed, long-nosed, big-mouthed, green finger-nailed nut who goes beating-up people and bashing down buildings". The writer is tough enough to offer the Hulk out to "kick his head in" and sends his address, 33 Orchardville, but doesn't say which town or city. Maybe he isn't such a big man and that's why he keeps his name anonymous. Jarold Harris from Bristol went on holiday and found a FF cartoon and two records about Spidey and the Thing, he asks  are they American or British? The editor does't give a definitive answer. I do remember the Spider-man record but not the Thing one. As for the cartoon, that must have been made in America. 

The Fantastic Four "The final victory of Gideon!"

Writer: Stan Lee 
Artist: Jack Kirby
Inker: Chic Stone 

Originally published in The Fantastic Four #34
Cover date January 1965
(Published in October 1964)

The Jack Kirby cover from the Fantastic Four #34 makes a functional appearance as the opening splash page, that starts off the finishing second half of a bland story. Gideon a multi-millionaire who's plan to set FF members against each other looks to be successful until the seeds of failure are sown when his son Thomas over hears him set the final part of it into operation, in which a "Time displacer", modelled after Doctor Doom's Time platform, will be used to finish the FF off. Tommy leaves to warn his heroes. 

Apparently Gideon own's the Baxter Building now and has his men set up the "time displacer" inside the building as the fighting heroes return. Tommy rushes in trying to warn them, stumbling into the trap set for the FF. The Thing crashes through a wall to aid the lad but they're both sent into the past. Reed sets to work on the machine in an attempt to recover the pair. Gideon offers Richard any amount of money to get his son back, which of course Reed would try anyway without the offer. After Thomas and Ben return Gideon relinquishes his fortune, giving it all to charity so he can devote all his time to his family. So I guess the moral of this story is you don't need money, all you need is love (and comics)!

A mighty Marvel Masterwork pin-up of the incredible Hulk, reprinting the wonderful cover from Incredible Hulk #105 by Marie Severin and Frank Giacola, cover dated July 1968, published April 1968. It's a classic that make's a wonderful poster and has appeared on the chests of many a Marvel fan's T-shirt. 

 The back page features the Marvel's Greatest comics! tag line to promote this week's mags, with nice reproductions of this week's Avengers and Spider-man Comic Weekly covers, although both have added "blue" skies that don't appear in the weekly version. Speaking of which let's have a closer look at that cover.

Spider-man Comics Weekly #53

I really like this original cover by Ron Wilson with Al Milgrom adding the inks. Wilson is an under rated artist, but I imagine he's very quick which makes him ideal for producing a weekly cover. There's a lot to like about it, Ka-Zar looks great, better than his previous cover appearances on weekly mag, those being to MWOM #61 and last week's SMCW. It's not easy to draw a sabre-toothed tiger but Wilson nails it. The whole composition is very good, in some ways it's better than the Romita/Heck combo that appears inside. It's a really good cover so it gets my vote for Cover of the Week.

Spider-man "Trial by combat!"

Writer: Stan Lee 
Artist: John Romita Sr and Don Heck
Inker: Mike Esposito

Originally published in the Amazing Spider-man #57
Cover date February 1968
(Published in November 1967)

The opening splash page uses a blown up of the fourth panel of last week's page 12. It's not good, I would have preferred something else was used but as the cover from the Amazing Spider-man #57 but as that was used for the cover of last week's mag it's of little surprise it wasn't reused, I wouldn't mind if it did. Ka-Zar after leaving Jameson's office he searches the city for Spider-man who has made his way to the publisher's office by another route. Jameson nearly gets Spidey, who's still suffering amnesia, to remove his mask.

He was about to reveal all just as Ka-Zar crashes in stopping that reveal but starting a massive brawl that crosses Manhattan and leads to Central Park, where the web-slinger starts to get the upper hand in the conflict by finishing Ka-Zar with an upper cutting left fist. Zabu leaps in to rescue his master, knocking Spidey unconscious into a lake. When he doesn't surface Ka-Zar dives in, probing the depths for signs of the web-head until with his lungs near breaking point he see the fallen hero. Be here next week to find out what happens next.

Iron Man "The Stronghold of Doctor Wierd!"

Writer: Stan Lee and Robert Bernstein
Artist: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers

Originally published in Tales of Suspense #41
Cover date May 1963
(Published in February 1963)

Now before anyone jumps on the comment sections of any of the social media channels where this blog is published, to ask for a Power of the Beesting No-Prize (PotBNoP), I haven't spelt the name "Doctor Wierd", it has been hard as my auto correct keeps changing it to "Weird", which is exactly as I read it. More on that later. Regular PotB blog readers may remember from last week's Avengers Assemble letter page E. Lectro from Manchester wrote in saying that in the Fantastic Annual from 1968 Doctor Strange appeared but he didn't use magic, he used science. I pointed out that the Doctor Strange from that tale was the evil super genus Carlo Strange. Coincidentally that tale is what we find here printed in this issue. 

The Fantastic Annual 1968, published by Oldhams as a seasonal stocking filler based on the Power Comic weekly called Fantastic, it featured Marvel stories about Thor, the X-Men, Iron Man and even two sci-fi tales from Journey into Mystery #92 called "The man who hated Monstro!" by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber and Paul Reinman and "I used to be..human!" by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, as well as some British created strips "The Temple of Zentaca" and "Colossus!" plus two text stories "The Fugitives" and "The Invaders". The annual's editor chose to change the title to "Iron Man Vs Doctor Strange!" while the original US title had been "The stronghold of Doctor Strange!" As I said last week this version of Doctor (Carlo) Strange appeared two months before the Master of the Mystic Arts levitated onto the scene. British Marvel must have thought it was a bad idea to have two characters with the same name, so they had to change Carlo's surname. So rather than Doctor "Strange" they got their thesaurus out and "Strange" became "Weird", or Doctor Wierd as it appears, was that a genuine spelling mistake or was it done on purpose? Who knows? I might spell it wrong/or right from now on, so just ignore my mistake if you can. 

Doctor Wierd is incarcerated in prison where he plots his escape by creating a device that can  hypnotise Iron Man into freeing him. Later Iron Man has no idea what he has done. Dr. Wierd arrives on a private island to be greeted by a group of men he describes as the "most cunning scientists and power mad military men on earth!" who look very similar to the group known as "The Exiles" who were allies of the Red Skull and fought against Captain America, or will do in for British readers in the Titans #46, on 1st September 1976. (originally from Captain America #103 for any American Friends of the Beesting.) Iron Man attacks the stronghold and with help from Dr. Wierd's daughter, Carla, defeats the mad scientist. The story is wholesome if not a little weird. 

The Web and the Hammer

Mark Peatfield from Surrey is a massive collector who stores his collection in little cardboard boxes but he points out that in America they manage to produce over fifteen Marvel mags a month, all with glossy covers and full colour interiors, yet in Britain they can only do three a week. In disagreement with another letter writer who dislikes any romance in Marvel's stories Mark points out that it does show that Marvel characters do live in a normal world. Frank Lythgoe from Wigan at last gets his letter printed as he has been writing in for ages. Wayne from Welwyn Garden City wonders how Spider-man breathes through his mask and how can the Thing hear without any ears. I'll let you answer those questions together with my own- "my dog has no nose, how does it smell?" Andrew H. RFO, TTB, says where he lives they get a few American mags, but he would like more, sadly he doesn't say where he lives. Saaid Abmad is unlike Mark Peatfield from earlier in this letter page, doesn't like any romance in Marvel at all. 

Terry Brodie from London wants to see more of Doctor Doom and he doesn't want as many posters in his mags, as a collector he wouldn't cut them out simply because they would ruin the mags. Nigel Vangrove KOF, wonders what FFF, TTB and QNS stand for? Well its Fearless Front Facer, Titanic True Believer and Quite 'Nuff Sayer. He didn't ask what they actually  mean so he doesn't get a full answer. Derek Harkness from Cooktown wants to see a Spider-man TV program. Malcolm Howitt from Aberdeen asks what religion is Thor? I thought it was obvious Thor doesn't have a religion, he is a religion. Steve Swipe RFO, KOF from London point out a grammar and spelling mistakes in Spider-man Comics Weekly #37.  

The mighty Thor "When titans meet!"

Writer: Stan Lee 
Artist: Jack Kirby
Inker: Vince Colletta

Originally published in Journey into Mystery #124
Cover date January 1966
(Published in November 1965)

This opening splash page is made up from images lifted from page 27 from last week's issue and page 35 of this week's comic. It does feel cheap and rushed although I do like the Thor image. Odin isn't happy about his son revealing his true identity to Nurse Jane Foster last week, wondering why the very heavens don't quiver and shake in celestial indignation! He promises that there shall be a reckoning. Even though he has promised to never again leave Jane Foster's side it isn't long before Thor feels duty bound to confront the evil of the Demon. I guess Gods don't have to keep their word.

 In other realms, other gods turn their attention to Earth and the mortals who live there. From his throne atop of the mystical Mount Olympus Zeus, the Greek God calls his son to undertake a special mission.
We aren't informed what that mission is but we do meet Hercules, the strongest of all his sons. This story should be the first time in modern Marvel comics we meet the Prince of Power. Although technically his first appearance was in the pre-Marvel Timely comic Venus #5 cover dated June 1949, published March 1949. In British Marvel continuity (or dis-continuity as I might say, he does appear in the Hulk story as seen in MWOM #32. Finally Thor does reach the Asia stronghold that is just holding out against the attack of the Demon who Thor recognises is powered by an Asgardian Norn Stone. This story and last week's have been slowly building up to next week's issue which promises to be an action-packed cracker with "the coming of Hercules!"

This weeks The Mighty World of Marvel and the Avengers covers take pride of place on the back cover of this week's SMCW in another "Marvel's Greatest Comics!" in-house ad. I particularly like the lighter colours in the MWOM cover, much better than the actual version, although the sea's blue does get too washed out, it would be perfect it has retained some of it's "blueness". As for the Avengers cover reproduction I do prefer the colours on the actual comic. Now's good time to look at that issue...

The Avengers #22

See it's better on the actual comic, although I must say that the original version of it from the Avengers US edition #25 does have a bluer sky. Which ever version you prefer doesn't matter as they were created by Jack Kirby with Dick Ayers adding the inks and do make a fine piece of shop window art to entice readers into buying the comic. It's a pity that the interior Avengers artwork doesn't match it, but more on that soon.

The Avengers "Enter...Dr. Doom!"

Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Don Heck
Inker: Dick Ayers

Originally published in The Avengers #25
Cover date February 1966
(Published in December1965)

I'll get straight to the point I don't think that Don Heck can draw Doctor Doom well. It's not totally his fault, may be Dick Ayers should take some of the blame, although possibly not as he does a good job of Doom when Kirby pencils him. Doctor Doom is a ridiculous character to draw, he looks kind of stupid with his square eyes, pointy triangle nose and open dum mouth. Heck handles the Avengers well as you might expect, he gives character to all the Latverian civilians, but Doom looks just like a cartoon villain. Some might say that's what he is. If I think about that for too long I would probably agree with them.

The story isn't helped by a really poor story line. Doom wants to defeat the Avengers to show off his power in an attempt to fill the hearts of the Fantastic Four with fear. The armoured madman sends Pietro and Wanda an anonymous letter with news of a relative who may have news of their parents. All four Avengers travel to Latveria and are quickly arrested as "in all the excitement" they forgot that Doctor Doom was the ruler of that pocket kingdom. That's really lazy writing by Lee, he must have phoned it in. Anyway the Avengers escape but only so far as Doom seals off the country with an "atomic attack proof" dome trapping them again. There's a minor sub-plot about a little girl who needs to leave the country to get an operation, but that is forgotten about when the Avengers finally unlock the dome and escape the country. 


John Etherington from Plymouth really likes the Avengers mag but notes that he prefers the old style Iron Man outfit than the version he wears in the Avengers. H.S.W. had a dream three months before they wrote this letter that he went to the newsagents to buy some US mags, among them was a British mag called the Avengers. They forgot all about the dream until they saw it in real life. Jonathan Suriak from Derby and his friend Philip Wilkinson wondered if Marvel had any intention of making medallions of the Avengers? Medallions are a 70's thing and only cool in that decade. David Lindop from Staffordshire simply writes one line that is "Why don't you print some of the old stories of Captain America and Bucky?"  Stephen Robinson from Manchester loves the Avengers, adding that he likes Captain America and Iron Man loads but Thor should be the leader. He reads the other two weeklies but thinks another mag with the X-Men and Daredevil in it would be a great idea. 

Patrick Ryan from Southampton mentions a letter from E. Capaveo printed in Avengers #2 who said that Doctor Strange shouldn't be wearing clothes in his spirit form, but the editor got out of that sticky point with their reply, however Patrick challenges the editor to get out of this point that in the Doctor  Strange story "The Possessed!" seen in the Avengers #7 the "possessors" wore no clothes in their spirit forms! The editor replies that they didn't get it wrong as when the "Possessors" left the possessed villagers they didn't take the villagers clothes with them. As I see it, in spirit form was how they previously imagined their true form to be. Or put it another way, It's only a comic strip that is drawn so that we can understand what the story is intended to mean. Tommy Getgood from Ayr wants to know will FOOM be in the shops and will the Silver Surfer and Conan be appearing in any British mags anytime soon? Sadly no more FOOM, as for the Surfer and Conan they say if another mag is launched they give a thought to including them. It's easy for me to say as I type in 2024 but those classic characters are coming but you'll have to wait till March next year. Harry Wheaton from Scunthorpe believes that what makes Marvel comics special is that other comics feature super-heroes with super-powers but Marvel super-heroes also seem to behave like real people and if you follow Marvel mags you quickly begin to feel you actually know the people who write and draw the magazines. Brian Scholes from London buys all three weeklies but is particularly keen on Doctor Strange as he is fascinated by magic and mystery. He even goes as far asking how to develop genuine mystic powers. The editor's reply makes a fantastic, philosophical read on the development of mystical powers, too much to go into here but it's worth a quick read if you have time. The Avengers letter pages always seemed to be a little more mature than other letter pages, although not in every case. Micheal Thelma from Preston who's an Iron Man fan but thinks the pointed helmet has ruined his look. Finally for this week David Morbin QNS who asks when Doctor Strange leaves his physical body does it just sit there looking looney and dumb? "Looney and dumb" is a bit harsh, it just remains motionless. 

Doctor Strange "Earth be my battleground"

Writer: Stan Lee 
Artist: Steve Ditko
Inker: Steve Ditko 

Originally published in Strange Tales #134
Cover date July 1965
(Published in April 1965)
Doctor Strange returns to Earth and checks in on the unconscious Ancient One, his servant informs him that apart from some periods of incoherent mutterings in which he mumbles the word "Eternity' his status hasn't changed. Strange goes to the Ancient One's deserted retreat to look for clue to the meaning of "Eternity" but his presence alerts Baron Mordo. The Baron chases the Doctor but Dormammu has to attend to other matters so Mordo must deal with Strange by himself. In the Dark Dimension the unnamed (Clea,) girl has distracted Dormammu by releasing the Mindless Ones again. Doctor Strange loses Mordo by pretending to fly directly into the Sun, which he can't do but Mordo doesn't know that. Returning to Earth Strange must continue his search for the mysterious secret behind the name "Eternity" in next week's issue. These strips can be infuriatingly slow at getting to this saga's conclusion, but in saying that they are a magical ride to be enjoyed.

An inside back page pin-up of the shield swinging living legend that is Captain America, by the late, great John Romita Sr.   

The Avengers in-house advert reverts to the "Double Dynamite" headline to focus on the other two magnificent mags from British Marvel also on sale. The Mighty World of Marvel cover colours are truer to the actual comic unlike the image used in the SMCW in-house ad. It really doesn't matter which version I like because all these adverts would've sent me mad wanting whatever issues I didn't already own. That's great marketing, the only thing that stops them from being a success was the poor distribution and the lack of pocket money funds to buy them all. I sit in the Beehive surrounded by piles of these vintage mags and I have a warm childhood feeling inside. Happy days! 

See you in seven.

Make Mine Marvel.  


  1. The Strange Tales version of Dr. Strange clearly broke the record for similar-naming characters from preceding comics at a mere two months after the Iron Man version! At least the earlier versions of the Hulk, the Spider-Man and Thorr (and Doctor Droom- whose origin was pretty much identical to Dr. Strange) had appeared a few YEARS before in the "monster" comics prior to the launch of the Fantastic Four in 1961.
    The line-up this week reminds me that this was the "golden age" of UK Marvel, with a strong three comic line-up of the classic superhero features of the 60s. Sadly it wouldn't be long before they were sidelining the Avengers in their own comic to feature the then-brand-new Master of Kung Fu (which seemed ludicrously out of place next to the older superhero material) and launching comics in other genres like Dracula Lives, Planet of the Apes and the Savage Sword of Conan that they ended up having to merge into each other and folding into the earlier superhero comics. I look back fondly on this time before then....

    1. Nicely summarised Rod and may I also once again pay tribute to your observational skills, I do not know how you do it, but thank goodness you can and do!

  2. Tony, I didn't get nor grasp your comment about "is that a play on Van Eye Sick"?

    And you really have to wonder about some of these letter writers, sheesh!

    And for some reason, I have a vague recollection of there actually being medallions.....

    Until next time, MMM!
