Thursday 25 April 2024

Love letters re-read!

On Valentine's Day this year I wrote a love letter to one of my most favourite strips of 2023. "Whatever happened to the world's fastest man?" had appeared bi-monthly in the first five issues of Quantium, the literally quite brilliant new British comics anthology from Time Bomb Comics. In that blog I waxed lyrical, or some might say wittered on, about how good it was. Even suggesting that it could well be the greatest comic strip of the last two decades! And how if it was a single graphic novel where would it fit amongst my other collections. The uniqueness of character and story, together with the way it was beautifully crafted, I proposed that it could share pride of place on my bookshelves with classics like V for Vendetta, Watchmen, Conan, etc. Especially if extras were added to it. Well it happened, Quantum Prime Subscribers would receive an exclusive Quantum Prime title with each issue. "Whatever happened to the world's fastest man?" became the first such title. Let me tell you it's an excellent read packed with a behind the pages look at the story's construction, extra pages of art and an exquisite extra tale from Dave West and Marleen Starkfield Lowe. Which when read made me feel even sadder as this book was dedicated to the memory of Marleen, whose beautiful and welcoming artwork drew this reader into the arms and heart of the story. The whole book can leave you sad but also positive, there's always room for a laugh, there's always time for a hug from loved ones, there's always a life to live. 

I really must thank Dave West for this brilliant book, but it still leaves me with one little problem. Where does it fit into my comic book shelves?

Does it fit in with my classic Marvels?

No, it's not a conventional superhero title.

Can I squeeze it in with the old punks? 

No,  it's a more delicate tale than those big boys.

What about a place in with the new wave of talent? 

Well it could, but it feels a lot more British than those, even though most are written by Brits.

Does it deserve a place amongst the Classics? 

One day may be, but if truth be told it should have a place of its own.

A place where it can be picked up and read.

It's great to read comics, even better to read really good ones. Whether you subscribe to Time Bomb Comics, or pick them up from your local comic shop or comic convention, or even support your local newsagents, having really good stories makes it worthwhile. 

"Whatever happened to the world's fastest man?" is a really worthwhile read. 

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